Though I have accounts with many different social media companies, I only actively use 2. And Steam. It's not social media but where else am I supposed to put it.
I occasionally upload images to Instagram, but it ruins the images most of the time so I don't like it too much. On the other hand the images load much quicker than they do on the photos page of my website and facebook doesn't have to buy new servers every day to host HDR, 32 megapixel, blurry, off-axis photographs of somebody's 20th social event of the day which they think looks good because they applied a filter which somehow adds more noise than it already has, so the compression has its benefits.
I even more rarely tweet, though I do retweet things a lot of the time (much to the ire of the few individuals who follow me, i'm sure) Rarely you'll see me tweet something like "LUIS DIAZ!!" but never anything with more than the minimum amount of time invested into it. It is Twitter, after all.
I also play games on steam. The fact that four out of my top 6 most played games (which as of May 2022 account for 2,395.7 hours of playtime) are strategy games probably tells you quite a lot about me.